Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on The Ethics Audit

Essay on The Ethics Audit Essay on The Ethics Audit Essay on The Ethics AuditThe ethical case under consideration requires adequate response. As a fraud expert, I have investigated possible wrongdoing at a local nonprofit organization based on the established ethical principles. One of the workers, Stacey is involved in the embezzlement of money. Although she has good relations with Jamie, the President of the organization, Stacey has no right to embezzle money. It is necessary to provide a comprehensive response to Jamie regarding the potential fraud committed by Stacey. I should explain to her what is at stake. Nonprofit stakeholders include not only employees and volunteers, their families, clients and community members, but also the government, partners and donors (Non-profit stakeholders). Stacey’s behavior can be viewed as unethical behavior because she has caused damage to many stakeholders, embezzling money. The proper monitoring and control systems should have been in place at Jamie’s organization to prevent suc h a behavior. Ethical code of conduct developed for nonprofit organizations is aimed at actively promoting ethical behavior. Peer review monitoring and other internal control systems could have been used to prevent Stacey’s wrongdoing. These systems are aimed at monitoring compliance with the established ethical laws and regulations. Ethical training for employees could have been used to train employees performing their ethical responsibilities in a proper way. In addition, I would recommend an ethics audit to this company because the organization’s ethics should be systematically evaluated. The organization’s code of behavior should be evaluated to avoid any acts of wrongdoing committed by employees (The Ethics Audit). Â  It is necessary to include different levels of ethics audit, including regular compliance audits, cultural audit. Actually, employees should be well-trained to make ethical decisions based on the organization’s mission, vision and phil osophy (Trevino Nelson 198). Any ethically related issue should be governed by specially developed ethical policies. Thus, ethics audit could improve the organization’s policies promoting ethical behavior of employees.

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